Dr. Muhammad Waqas Soomro is Assistant Professor in department of Electrical Engineering, at Sukkur IBA University. He has recently established Flexible Electronic Devices Lab in the Electrical Engineering Department.
Sukkur IBA University has signed multiple bi-lateral exchange agreements with European and Chinese Universities. The exchange program allows students to study one or two semesters abroad at one of the partner University. The exchange program is open to undergraduate, masters and Ph.D.
The mission of BBA program is to enhance intellectual and professional competencies by imparting knowledge through a meritorious culture that encourages critical thinking, ethical consciousness and global awareness.
View DetailBBA program in Agribusiness is a unique degree program offered first time in Pakistan by two top-ranked institutions. The purpose of this program is to prepare the administrators and managers in agriculture sector.
View DetailTo produce graduates who possess adequate knowledge and skills to qualify to become competent applications developer, database programmer / designer, systems developer / analyst or network administrator / manager etc.
View DetailTo produce graduates who can critically analyze a problem, and develop appropriate software solution by identifying the software requirements for that solution. Ability to design, implement, and evaluate a software solution.
View DetailAccounting & Finance are the most significant & critical areas in the system of enterprise. Financial management is important to economic health of business organizations. To apply ethical reasoning in decision making.
View DetailWe strongly believe that using modern mathematical techniques and the targeting market and industrial needs, To utilize Mathematics as a tool in various field of Industrial and Applied Sciences to provide quality education with modern and scientifically tools.
View DetailOur mission is to promote a diverse, personal, innovative, ethical and economically thriving Media and Communication sector that contributes to the creation of successful and sustainable societies.
View DetailThe aim of BE (Electrical Engineering) is to provide quality education in Electrical Engineering and bridge gap between industry and academia to equip engineering graduates with the state of art technologies.
View DetailThe aim of BE (Computer System Engineering) is to provide quality education in Computer Systems and bridge gap between industry and academia to equip engineering graduates with the state of art technologies.
View DetailThe overall goal of B.Ed program is to prepare exemplary student teacher relationship through bringing focus on improving teaching. National Professional Standards of Teachers (NPST) and guidelines developed by USAID Teacher education project.
View DetailThe mission of our MBA program is to involve students in active and evidence-based learning process to develop managerial skills and abilities, leading them to be socially responsible business leaders. To write executive business documents.
View DetailTo orally present in executive business settings. Within our scope are all aspects of management related to strategy, entrepreneurship, innovation, information technology and organizations as well as all functional areas of business.
View DetailThe MS program in Applied Mathematics and Computational Finance.Outstanding opportunity for those who want to develop their career through advanced research in applied mathematics.
View DetailThe mission of MS in Software Engineering program is to prepare technically strong engineering students who can contribute nation the world at large through innovation, research, entrepreneurship, leadership.
View DetailAdvanced domain knowledge to make scholars aware of various dynamics in the field of computer science to achieve competency to explore new streams of research & capability to use state-of-the-art necessary for the practice in the relevant area.
View DetailThe objective of this program is to establish a meritorious platform and center of excellence in fields of electronics and communication. With highly qualified faculty and excellent on-campus facilities.
View DetailBeing cognizant of the short and long term demand of qualified human resource in the energy sector, this program aims to train (prepare) technically sound workforce in the diverse aspects of renewable energy.
View DetailThe overall mission of the program is to develop educational leaders, policy planners, practitioners, implementers and reformers with a sound theoretical, contextual, contemporary, analytical and pragmatic knowledge and vision of education with a global outlook...
View DetailOffering advanced research methods to address business and social issues Management consists of the interlocking functions of creating corporate policy and organizing organization's resources.
View DetailThe Sukkur IBA PhD Program puts emphasis on rigorous coursework and high quality research that should be published in peer-reviewed international conferences. The general purpose of the PhD program is to provide an educational experience.
View DetailUt at arcu sed justo laoreet iaculis ut nec leo. Aliquam laoreet orci eu egestas fermentum. http://bit.ly/1bMyz64
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam odio augue, accumsan ut massa ut, faucibus gravida turpis. http://bit.ly/1bMyz64
Nullam odio augue, accumsan ut massa ut, faucibus gravida turpis. Nulla eleifend libero mi, at consequat tellus. http://bit.ly/1bMyz64